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Permaculture Tutors

Meet the tutors!

Davie Philip is a prominent advocate for permaculture and sustainable communities in Ireland and Europe. He co-founded the Cloughjordan Ecovillage project and currently serves as a Director of Cloughjordan CoHousing, which is developing a model of low-impact, co-housing neighbourhoods.
At Cultivate, the Sustainable Ireland Cooperative, Davie works as a community catalyst and facilitator, helping to promote sustainable practices and community-led initiatives. He is the coordinator of the Community Climate Coach project, which aims to empower facilitators to lead transformative local action.
With over 25 years of experience in promoting sustainable living, Davie is recognised as a leading expert in the field. He has served on the board of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland and was co-president of ECOLISE, the European network for community-led initiatives on climate change and sustainability.

Eileen Flanagan has a background in Civil and Structural Engineering specialising in water and drainage infrastructure. She has been involved in Cloughjordan ecovillage since 2004 and has built her own circular earth house there. She currently works in the Climate Action education field.


Aaron joined the Cultivate team in early 2015 following an interest in facilitation and group dynamics. He completed the Permaculture Design Course (PDC) during that first year and saw the design of the Ecovillage afresh despite having been living here for years before. Alongside Philippa, he co-coordinated the PDC for several years, and, loving the social side of Cultivate, worked closely with Davie designing and facilitating regular courses and events. This work really brought the design elements together with social permaculture – how we collaborate, live in community, and organise our human systems in alignment with, and learning from, nature. How we express ourselves most authentically, with the least impact on each other, yet understand and dialogue our diverse perspectives and preferences (especially apparent living in community!) always struck a chord for Aaron. Group dynamics include navigating conflict and challenges so practicing NonViolent Communication and Restorative Circles as part of a lifestyle of people-care and work that centres around Social Permaculture have been core for Aaron.
Aaron and Philippa travelled to Carriage Dulra’s PDC for several years to share how Permaculture principles are being lived in Cloughjordan… And how we’re all living in Cloughjordan is a constant evolution that Aaron has been fascinated by – trying to earn a local livelihood, working with diverse events and educational programmes… and currently very involved in both food and social systems with European Solidarity Corps volunteer programmes for Cloughjordan Community Farm and Cultivate.


Mel White works for Cultivate and Cloughjordan Community Farm as a project coordinator, as a researcher, and as a facilitator and trainer in transformative learning methods. She has trained extensively in both Nonviolent Communication and Restorative Circles.

Mel is a resident of Cloughjordan Ecovillage and is involved in the Process Group (which is responsible for the collaborative decision making processes in the Ecovillage) and the Conflict Resolution Group. She has experience of working with Sociocracy and mapping out non-hierarchical systems, and was previously the Self-Organising Systems Coordinator for Extinction Rebellion Ireland. She is currently Volunteer Coordinator for the European Solidarity Corps programme here in Cloughjordan, a role which includes mentoring a group of young European volunteers and supporting the group dynamics with team building, reflective practices, and conflict resolution.

You may also catch her performing poetry, or creating artworks for festivals. She is constantly trying to find a balance between the things that are important to her, including connection and authenticity, autonomy and collaboration, creativity, lifelong learning, and creating a culture that aspires to meet the needs of all within planetary boundaries. Mel has been teaching Social Permaculture on Cultivate’s Permaculture Design Course for several years.


Pat Malone farms with Cloughjordan Community Farm. He has been involved in the farm since its inception. Cloughjordan Community Farm uses agroecological and regenerative techniques. The Laois man specialises in field scale cropping in particular, and has an interest in biodynamic methods. Previously Pat worked with the Irish Seed Savers and before that, as a commercial conventional grower.


Ben Whelan is a founder and the Managing Director of Sustainable Ireland Cooperative Society Ltd. which initiated the Cultivate Centre in Temple Bar. He was the lead promoter and instigator behind the Greenhouse Centre in Dublin. Ben has developed and overseen Cultivate’s programmes and activities over its 12 years of operation. He has taught and published in many areas of sustainability including permaculture, bioregionalism and local economics. He holds a BA from Trinity College Dublin in Theology and Ancient History and an MA in Liberal Arts from Naropa College, Colorado.

Ben is a founding member of North Tipperary Green Enterprise Park and a current board member, a founding member of the Environmental and Sustainable Construction Association (Éasca) and current board member, a Director of Re-Dress (the Better Fashion Initiative), on the governance committee member for the Regional Centre of Expertise in Education for Sustainable Development in Ireland. Previously he has worked as the Coordinator for the Asset Development group at the Cloughjordan Ecovillage and in the development of the overall Strategic and Land Plan for the Eco-Village.


Denis Powell is a seasoned music industry professional with over 35 years experience as a Live Sound Engineer and Live Sound System Designer. His expertise however, extends beyond sound engineering.

In 2015, Denis completed a Practical Digital Fabrication course here at WeCreate, opening up new avenues for his career.

Since then, he has become an integral part of the WeCreate team, focusing primarily on the Fab Lab. Denis’s role involves working closely with clients, assisting them in item design, file preparation, and materials testing. Leveraging his extensive knowledge of digital fabrication, he guides clients through the process of job prototyping and oversees the final CNC output.


Alongside his Fab Lab responsibilities, Denis has also played a vital role in WeCreate’s project development. From initial design concepts to prototyping and CNC manufacturing, he contributes his expertise and creativity to bring innovative ideas to life.

During this session, Denis will explain the workings of the Fab Lab, demonstrate some of the CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines and outline how these machines can be effectively utilised within a Permaculture setting.


Féidhlim Harty is an environmental consultant and writer. FH Wetland Systems (established in 1996) offers guidance and consultancy on waterway repair and rewilding, eco-friendly wastewater treatment training and education, and holistic landuse management for catchment protection and regeneration. His most recent books are Permaculture Guide to Reed Beds and Towards Zero Waste – how to live a circular life.


Owen and Mimi Crawford are non-traditional farmers operating a traditional small-scale creamery and diverse farmstead. Seasonally they produce nutrient-dense raw milk, cream butter and buttermilk as well as poultry, pork and bacon. They are commited to an agroecological method of farming and to raising animals with integrity in a way that emulates nature and rejuvenates land. You can find out more about them at


Bruce Darrell is a Canadian architect and one of the early members of Cloughjordan Ecovillage. He turned into a devoted food grower and runs the RED (Research Education Development) Gardens where he’s experimenting with different methods and provides insights for other people through his YouTube channel.

During the Permaculture Course he provides lessons to grow one’s own food in a regenerative way, preparing the soil for different environments.
